Dreaming of Mud: how I start new work

Dreaming of Mud: how I start new work

detail from Earth Star, mixed media collage As soon as one group of paintings are done I start wondering what’s next. Lately I find myself wishing for more earth, more grit into my work. This is an idea that comes from analysis, critique (by myself and others), and an...
Make It Weird: what I’m looking for in my work

Make It Weird: what I’m looking for in my work

Studio thinking chair with art journal and fountain pen After most painting sessions I sit in my thinking chair and write.  Sometimes I engage with problems in a painting—and note ideas of how to resolve the piece. Other times I note something I see in a painting that...
Alone in the Studio: getting closer to myself

Alone in the Studio: getting closer to myself

I love meeting folk at an art fair, hearing what collectors are looking for, finding out what they see in my work, and sharing my inspiration. But the challenging and often joyful work of creation happens when I’m alone in my studio. As I work away, with no one...
Sharing: an integral part of my process

Sharing: an integral part of my process

Then… In my teens and 20s I wrote poems and stories, made visual art—but I didn’t share my work. I had a few poems published, but I found creating and sharing stressful and confusing. The vulnerability of it all was too much for me and I didn’t have any support....

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